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Date Title
13 May 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person
7 May 2024 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
7 May 2024 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component
7 May 2024 AA REIT Portfolio Valuation As At 31 March 2024
7 May 2024 AIMS APAC REIT Delivers 3.8% YoY Increase In Distributions To Unitholders To S$74.3 Million For FY2024
7 May 2024 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Full Yearly Results
30 Apr 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s)
11 Apr 2024 Date Of Release Of Unaudited Financial Results For Second Half And Full Financial Year Ended 31 March 2024
9 Apr 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest/Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/Unitholder(s)
9 Apr 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest/Changes In Interest Of Director/Chief Executive Officer
6 Feb 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Notification Form For Director In Respect Of Interests In Securities
6 Feb 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Interest/Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/Unitholder(s)
6 Feb 2024 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person
31 Jan 2024 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component
31 Jan 2024 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Taxable Income Component
31 Jan 2024 AA REIT Achieves 5.2% YoY Rise In Distributions To Unitholders To S$55.1 Million For 9M FY2024
31 Jan 2024 Third Quarter FY2024 Business Update
9 Jan 2024 Date Of Release Of Business Update For The Third Quarter Ended 31 December 2023
8 Jan 2024 AA REIT Renews Master Leases With KWE And Aalst Chocolate In Singapore
30 Nov 2023 AIMS APAC REIT Corporate Presentation - DBS-SGX-REITAS (November 2023)

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